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Response from Office of Research Services
Thank you for your observations regarding pedestrian safety. Our employee and visitor safety is a high priority, as evidenced by our investment in improved campus lighting and construction of pedestrian-activated crosswalks. In addition to such crosswalks in the vicinity of Bldgs. 3 and 35, we plan on awarding the construction of 8 additional ones this fiscal year.
Regarding pedestrian safety in the vicinity of construction sites, it is, indeed, a balancing act. We don’t want to force pedestrians to cross the street unnecessarily, but at the same time we don’t want to expose pedestrians to construction risks. Your suggestions are helpful and we will do our best to manage both categories of risks facing pedestrians—vehicular and construction.
Response from Office of Research Services
The NIH Police have increased monitoring of the area and will take action as appropriate. If you see a vehicle improperly parked in a fire lane or “no parking” area anywhere on campus, call the NIH Police non-emergency line at (301) 496-5685 to report the violation.