NINR ‘Boot Camp’ Features Precision Health

Photo: Mena Brunette
The National Institute of Nursing Research recently hosted its annual Methodologies Boot Camp. This year’s theme focused on digital health data and technologies that enable “smart health” and improve patient outcomes.
One-hundred seventy-five graduate students, faculty and clinicians participated in the “Precision Health: Smart Technologies, Smart Health” boot camp. Interest in the theme ran high, with registration reaching capacity in less than a day.
The week-long training started with a symposium and poster session highlighting the contributions of nursing science in promoting precision and digital health. Dr. Ann Cashion, acting director of NINR, opened the symposium by welcoming attendees and giving an overview of NINR’s intramural research program as a “focal center for NINR’s commitment to training the next generation of nurse scientists.”
The symposium, which was open to the public and broader scientific community, featured three presentations including: “Biomarkers of Traumatic Brain Injuries and Concussions,” by Dr. Jessica Gill, Lasker clinical research scholar and principal investigator in NINR’s brain injury unit; “Making a Difference with Patient-Facing Technology,” by Dr. Donna Berry, nurse scientist, Phyllis F. Cantor Center for Research in Nursing & Patient Care Services, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and affiliate professor at the University of Washington; and “Self-Monitoring of Diet and Exercise in Behavioral Weight Loss Interventions: From Paper to Electronic Diaries,” by Dr. Lora Burke, professor, epidemiology health & community systems, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing.
To view the videocast of the symposium, visit
For more information about the event, visit—Diana Finegold