NIH Record - National Institutes of Health
Robotic arms moving trays of samples into testing machines.

January 24, 2020

  • ACD Aims to Change Research Culture, Inside and Out

    If the convening of the 119th advisory committee to the NIH director forecast the direction the agency is headed, then NIH is truly moving boldly into the future. NIH’s biannual meeting with its advisors packed the day and a half with the stimulating and the sticky.
  • Couple Turns Hand of Fate into Hand of Hope

    The husband-and-wife team of Dr. Sonia Vallabh and Dr. Eric Minikel quit their professions in order to address Vallabh’s diagnosis as a carrier of a gene that puts her at high risk of suffering the disease that rapidly killed her mother in the prime of life.
  • Tisdale Explores Multiple Avenues Toward Curing SCD

    People living with sickle cell disease (SCD) endure chronic, debilitating pain. Great progress has been made to treat this inherited blood disorder. Now, “it’s time to envision broadly available cures for this disease,” said NHLBI senior investigator Dr. John Tisdale.
  • Addiction Is a Complex Brain Disease, Says Volkow

    Advances in medical imaging have revealed that addiction is a complex disease of the brain, said NIDA director Dr. Nora Volkow. What nearly every abused drug that results in addiction—whether it be cocaine, alcohol, opioids or nicotine—has in common is not only that they activate the reward circuit of the brain but also that their repeated use modifies the function of the prefrontal cortex.
Robotic arms moving trays of samples into testing machines.

On the Cover

Repurposing and Robots. The National Center for Advancing Translational Research supports repurposing approved drugs for new therapeutic uses, a strategy that can accelerate translation from bench to bedside.


The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik

Associate Editor: Patrick Smith

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder