NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

‘Integrating Sex, Gender in Research’

5th Pinn Symposium Features Dean, Fauci

Formal portrait of Pinn
The annual Vivian W. Pinn Symposium honors ORWH’s first full-time director.

ORWH, in partnership with the Foundation for the NIH, virtually hosted the 5th annual Vivian W. Pinn Symposium, in honor of the office’s first full-time director. This year’s event, “Integrating Sex and Gender into Biomedical Research as a Path for Better Science and Innovation,” focused on illustrating the scientific, societal and economic opportunities of integrating sex and gender into biomedical research. 

After remarks by current ORWH director Dr. Janine Clayton, FNIH president and executive director Dr. Maria Friere and NIH director Dr. Francis Collins, U.S. Rep. Madeleine Dean of Pennsylvania’s 4th District delivered the symposium’s keynote address. She discussed efforts to ensure inclusion of women in federally funded scientific studies, the benefit of recruiting and retaining women and people of color in health care and the progress that has been made in integrating sex as a biological variable throughout biomedical research. 

Screenshot of Dean head and shoulders looking into camera.
Congresswoman Madeleine Dean (D-PA) speaks virtually at the recent symposium.

Dean described sex differences in Covid-19 symptoms and outcomes as well as the adverse economic and mental health effects facing women throughout the pandemic. 

The 2-day symposium featured several thoughtful panel and breakout session discussions: how academic institutions and federal agencies can lead sex and gender integration, how reporting and communication can advance such integration, how businesses can find economic opportunities in sex- and gender-based research as well as other topics. 

Day 1 of the symposium concluded with a “fireside chat” with Pinn and NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci. He spoke about how Covid-19 has increased attention to sex and gender differences in medicine. 

Screenshot grid with Pinn, White and Fauci
Day 1 featured a “fireside chat” with Pinn (top, l), ORWH’s Jamie White and NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Pinn discussed her career at ORWH, mentorship, the challenges of being a women of color in medicine, the role of men in women’s health research, women in government leadership and ORWH’s research supplements to promote re-entry into biomedical and behavioral research careers. 

Pinn closed the 2-day symposium by reviewing ORWH’s past, current and future missions and goals. 

ORWH developed a “virtual environment” for the symposium that includes exhibits, agendas, videos and other materials related to the integration of sex and gender into biomedical research. The environment will remain available until spring 2022. 

Video recordings of the symposium are available at and

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik

Associate Editor: Patrick Smith

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder