Winn To Give NCI CURE Seminar, Oct. 14

VCU Massey Cancer Center director Dr. Robert A. Winn will present the next lecture in the NCI Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities’ (CRCHD) Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE) Distinguished Scholars Seminars Series on Thursday, Oct. 14, from 1 to 2:30 p.m., via WebEx. Winn is the second-ever African-American director of an NCI-Designated Cancer Center. His talk is titled, “Structure, Trust and Science.”
A former CURE K22 and R21 scholar, Winn became director of VCU Massey Cancer Center in December 2019. In addition to directing 205 research members from 39 departments in 9 colleges and schools at VCU, he manages a research lab and is a pulmonologist, actively treating veterans each week at the nearby Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center.
Winn’s current research centers on the translational aspects of the role that proliferation pathways and cellular senescence play in lung cancer. He brings a focus on cancer disparities, equity and community to his research and his cancer center leadership. He has published more than 60 authored or co-authored manuscripts in peer-reviewed academic journals.
Before coming to Richmond, Winn served as director of the University of Illinois Cancer Center and spent more than a decade at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and School of Medicine. He completed his bachelor’s degree at the University of Notre Dame, his medical degree at the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor, his internship and residency in internal medicine at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center in Chicago and a fellowship in pulmonary and critical care medicine at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver.
Among the many awards and honors he has earned, Winn received the NCI CRCHD CURE Program Lifetime Achievement Award and was recently named vice president and president-elect of the Association of American Cancer Institutes. In February 2021, he hosted First Lady Dr. Jill Biden during her visit to VCU Massey Cancer Center.
The CURE series recognizes former CURE scholars and champions who are making seminal contributions to the fields of cancer and cancer health disparities research. Begun in 2017, the lectures are held semi-annually.
To register, visit: Those who need reasonable accommodation to participate should contact Victoria Coan at (240) 276-7659 and/or the Federal Relay Service (1-800-877-8339) at least 2 days before the meeting.