Former NIH Mail Manager Arnwine Is Mourned

Bill Arnwine, retired NIH mail manager and former chief of the Travel and Administrative Services Branch, passed away Apr. 19 at age 89.
Born in Jacksonville, Tex., and raised in St. Louis, Mo, Arnwine graduated from Lincoln University of Missouri in 1958.
Afterwards, he began a decorated career in the U.S. Army including both active duty and reserves, serving in Vietnam where he earned the Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts.
Following active duty, Arnwine began a long federal career working in a variety of capacities at NIH and the Department of Defense.

At NIH, he was responsible for announcing and overseeing mail handling and postal service management procedures, specifically those involving bulk mailings.
In 1982, an NIH Record item noted that he had been appointed commander of the 7th Psychological Operations Battalion, U.S. Army Reserve. Lt. Colonel Arwine’s headquarters for this 450-man reserve unit was located in Prince George’s County, Md.
The batallion had a strategic psychological operations mission in support of U.S. military European forces.
Arnwine is survived by six children, seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.