NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

SAME Tours NIH Construction Sites

Members gather on the observation platform
SAME members gather on the SRLM observation platform, which overlooks the construction site.

Photo:  Eric Bock

Ongoing construction for the Clinical Center’s surgery, radiology and laboratory medicine (SRLM) tower
Construction for the Clinical Center’s surgery, radiology and laboratory medicine (SRLM) tower continues. Currently, workers are building the wing’s fourth floor.

Photo:  Eric Bock

A mock-up for the exterior of the SRLM
A mock-up for the exterior of the SRLM. Once built, the new wing will blend into the existing red brick building.

Photo:  Eric Bock

SAME members stand in front of the VRC expansion and listen to an update on it
Members of the Society of American Military Engineers listen to an update on the Vaccine Research Center laboratory expansion. Once completed, the expansion will double the available laboratory space.

Photo:  Eric Bock

Roberts speaks in a parking lot while her colleagues hold up poster board.
Susan Roberts (l), chief of the Planning and Programming Branch in the Office of Research Facilities’ Division of Facilities Planning, updates the group about future construction projects.

Photo:  Eric Bock

The Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) visited NIH’s campus on Oct 3 to get an update and up-close look at several construction sites.

The tour, led by the NIH Office of Research Facilities,  began in the Clinical Center’s north atrium with a brief presentation about the Surgery, Radiology and Laboratory Medicine (SRLM) wing construction project. Scheduled to open in 2029, the wing will house three departments—perioperative medicine, radiology and imaging sciences, and laboratory medicine—as well as National Cancer Institute and National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute labs and patient service areas.

The tour stopped by several construction sites across NIH’s campus, including the SRLM observation platform, Electrical Switching Station and Emergency Generators project, and the Vaccine Research Center laboratory expansion. Members of ORF concluded the tour with an update about future construction projects.

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik

Associate Editor: Patrick Smith

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder