NIH Record - National Institutes of Health

NIH Surpasses Feds Feed Families Goal

Siegle holds thank you sign behind long table filled with canned goods
Donna Siegle, NCI acting executive officer, represents this year’s Food Fight Challenge winner.

Each year, NIH has managed to reach its Feds Feed Families goal, collecting non-perishable goods to benefit local food banks, NIH patients and their families. 

This year, employee support was beyond anything witnessed before. With a goal of 31,000 lbs., NIH exceeded the mark by an astounding 59,000 lbs., collecting almost 91,000 lbs. The generosity has a direct benefit to the Capital Area Food Bank, the Children’s Inn, the Safra Lodge and food banks in Frederick, Baltimore, Arizona, North Carolina and Montana. Due to the overwhelming success, NIH even extended support to victims of Hurricane Harvey, with a donation to the San Antonio Food Bank. 

Bloss and Speed smile behind a campaign information table
Allison Bloss (l) and Shrylnee Speed from the Office of Research Services at a campaign information table

“Employee dedication and participation was beyond anything we’ve seen in the past,” said Timothy Tosten, acting director, Office of Research Services and the Feds Feed Families campaign chairperson. “Through increased awareness, IC events such as hosting contests, socials and the Food Fight Challenges, enthusiasm was at an all-time high.”

Donations included:

  • 17,538 lbs. of non-perishable goods donated to the Capital Area Food Bank, the Children’s Inn and the Safra Family Lodge

  • $5,662 of vouchers purchased through the “Fighting Hunger” food vouchers at Eurest cafeteria check-out lines—all voucher proceeds will be donated to the San Antonio Food Bank to assist families affected by Hurricane Harvey (56,620 lbs. of food to be donated)

  • 6,424 lbs. collected and donated by Frederick and Baltimore, as well as Arizona, North Carolina and Montana NIH offices

  • 9,657 lbs. donated through the Capital Area Food Bank’s online giving 

Shrylnee Speed, program coordinator, thanked the “incredible efforts” of volunteer staff, who “enthusiastically helped with sorting, weighing and packing the collected food. I was awestruck to see the amazing work NIH does to help those in need.”

Open office doorway decorated with colorful cereal boxes and canned items
NHGRI’s winner in the collection box decorating contest

The NIH Record

The NIH Record, founded in 1949, is the biweekly newsletter for employees of the National Institutes of Health.

Published 25 times each year, it comes out on payday Fridays.

Editor: Dana Talesnik sends email)

Assistant Editor: Eric Bock sends email)

Staff Writer: Amber Snyder sends email)