OD Launches Well-Being Campaign

A happy, healthy workforce is a productive one. With that in mind, the Office of the Director Resilience through Well-Being campaign has launched to help support staff in these changing times.
The campaign was inspired by the pandemic, which magnified stress and disrupted lives, and now leaves many people feeling apprehensive in the face of constant change. Building on NIH leadership’s commitment to fostering work-life balance, the campaign features tools, events and shareable resources designed to empower staff to embrace well-being with increased awareness.
Resources available in the new shared hub include:
- Interactive platforms to share information and discuss well-being topics
- A supervisor’s toolkit to foster a healthier, more resilient and supportive culture among their teams
To learn more, visit the OD intranet site at https://employees.nih.gov/pages/od-well-being-campaign/index.aspx. Also see: employees.nih.gov/pages/coronavirus/wellness-resources.aspx.
OD will share resources with other interested institutes, centers and offices. Connect with campaign staff at nihchangemanagement@od.nih.gov.