NIH Celebrates ‘America Recycles Day’
America Recycles Day (ARD) is Thursday, Nov. 15. The Division of Environmental Protection will partner with the ORS Division of Logistics Services, sustainable lab practices working group, green team leads council and sustainability partners to host information and recycling activities Monday, Nov. 12 through Friday, Nov. 16.
ARD is a nationwide endeavor to celebrate recycling efforts and promote recycling initiatives. Stop by an information table from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Nov. 15 to take the NIH Recycling Pledge, ask questions, get individual recycling bins and pick up recycling information at the following cafeteria locations: Bldgs. 10 (B1 and 2nd floor), 31, 35, 38 and 45.
Containers will be located in the lobbies of Bldgs. 1, 10 South, 13, 31A, 35, 38A, 40, 45 and 50 to collect non-accountable items (e.g., electronics, floppy disks, CDs, cords, microwaves, coffee makers, monitor stands, metal staplers, hole punchers) from the beginning of ARD week until Friday at 2 p.m. In addition, staff can now recycle plastic film (Ziploc bags, grocery bags, dry cleaning bags, shrink wrap, bubble wrap) in the Bldg. 10 Supply Store during ARD and beyond.
The Shady Grove, Baltimore and Research Triangle Park campuses will also host activities. For more information, email 2018 ARD coordinator Jaqie McGauley (